Survival Skills 

Phone: (+66) 0801352952 for Enquiries

Overview of Experience

We can teach a variety of practical survival skills to children of all ages. Adapting the level of supervision and difficulty accordingly. 

We promote independence and critical thinking skills and considered confidence in the outdoors

Early Years

Half day Program. - 

We use fun, interactive activities to teach very young children how to be safe in the natural environment. We teach them to recognise and deal with the different dangers they may encounter int he forest.
Children can build their own simple shelters from a variety of natural materials, provided and found. Children can help to make a fire safely and will enjoy some healthy snacks they can cook themselves. Children can source natural clay and make objects to fire in a mud-brick kiln. 

Upper Primary - Middle School 

Half-day program
We begin with some engaging activities designed to highlight dangers and how to minimise them, Students will then engage in a variety of activities with a measured and safe degree of independence. They will learn to safely cut and work with bamboo. They will learn to safely make and start fire. They can learn to cook over a fire without using any pots or pans. 

Full day program

As well as the activities above, students will alo work together to build a simple shelter from natural materials. They will plan and build the shelters as part of a small team. 

Overnight Program

Students will have the opportunity to sleep a night in the shelters they create. They will also get to experience a night walk in nature to experience that normall hidden world. We have comfortable accommodation or tents available for teachers. Breakfast is provided. 

High school

Half-day program
We have an engaging program for High-school students. We train students how to work safely with bamboo, using a variety of tools to work this amazing material. We can then construct an A-frame or a done-

Full day program

As well as the activities above, students will alo work together to build a simple shelter from natural materials. They will plan and build the shelters as part of a small team. 

Overnight Program

Students will have the opportunity to sleep a night in the shelters they create. They will also get to experience a night walk in nature to experience that normally hidden world. We have comfortable accommodation or tents available for teachers. Breakfast is provided.