Energy and Electricity

Phone: (+66) 0801352952 for Enquiries

Overview of Experience

This broad topic offers so many opportunities for hands on exploration related to physics and the environment. Its is a chance for kids to have tangible experiences that can reinforce the understanding of theoretical concepts. 

For Schools

Building Solar Water Heaters

This is a really engaging practical activity which can develop understanding of energy transfer and renewable energy. We have three different solar-heating kits which students can assemble following easy photo instructions. It's a great collaborative activity and students really enjoy the challenge of building something themselves. The models are demonstration models which work well enough to teach about how light energy can transfer into heat energy. For a longer project, we can support students to construct a durable working solar heating system that will work effectively for a long time. 

The EGAT Energy Center 

We have an engaging set of activities focused around this small musuem. Students work together to complete a collaborative quiz, finding answers in the different exhibits of the museum. The activity lasts several hours and it is easy to combine this trip with another practical activity which can be completed in the grounds of the EGAT center.